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I have created a walkthrough of v1.3 for all those interested, amazing game I must say!

thanks cant wait but please put a save in the game I have died so many times lol thanks



Will there be a Mac version in the future?



Hahaha... just realized you can light the Korok Leaf on fire and use it as a fire rod for 7 seconds. I had so much fun with this that I accidentally killed myself... three times...


Is the game going to be paid after some time because lots of people dont have breath of the wild and this will be a good free version for them

Breath of the NES will always be free, but eventually I'd like to make a spin off that's bigger and better, with original graphics/characters, which would be paid.


There are things called copyrights and trademarks.....


Is there going to be a MacOS version?

Use wine. Its basically a windows converter.

Help plz, my game runs at 25 fps max, but it's not st the framerate, the entire game is super slow... I can run much more demanding games at better framerate and/or without slowdown like this. Can someone help me figure out what's wrong?


In the next update that drake will post the game will be running at 60 fps.

Amazing work in such a short space of time dude. Really looking forward to seeing where you take this! Can we have a sprint function though? Link moves so slow! Eithe that or my weak-ass latop can't run it properly lol.

(1 edit)

there's a Sprint item in the lost woods! Also, if you're getting less than 60fps, that's part of why. Next version has better optimization

Ah right, I didnt get that far to be honest. I feel like I need to dig out by USB SNES controller to really get stuck in! And yeh, I'll keep that in mind, looking forward to future versions :)


Okay, so here are my thoughts and possible additions.

1: I love this game, I find it to be extremely fun + burning down the main forest is really entertaining.

2: I would absolutely love it if this game had save states that I could boot up and keep. Not to mention that if I want to put the game down, I wouldn't have to travel to the starting cave.

3: Link is very slow. Whether this is intentional or not is something I don't know.

4: I would like to thank you for making this game. You bring joy to me who doesn't have the money to buy a switch or BoTW.

My first hour was very fun, please keep updating this! :D

I Found A Bug that wont let me go down with s but if i hit d it will make me go side-down

what version are you using?

This was fixed in the 1.1 update. If you're using 1.0, I'd recommend using 1.3.

I did find a bug where sometimes ghosts will be stuck in a position while on an object. Is this a bug or is it part of the programming? And I know you got a ton of FPS reports but mine is like everyone else's. At least most of everyone's. A great game though. With a lot of development and some sprite changes, this could be a phenomenal fangame to the Zelda universe. Honestly really happy with the work. I'd be happy to help if you need anything. I'm working on my programming skills but, I will admit I'm not the best at it. But a great game though. If you need support just contact me. I'll be supporting this game all the way up. :)


with my amazing skill I still managed to block second dungeon

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Place your bets on how long before a cease and desist from Nintendo.

Three days.

Four days


I found a bug, if your inventory is full and you pick up another item then it just vanishes, I had a full inventory and then walked over the axe and it was just gone. Maybe a potential fix for the inventory filling up so fast is to have food stack, like not a big stack to the point where inventory management wouldnt be a worry, but like a small stack like 3 or 4.

thanks for the bug report!

(1 edit) (-1)

Did you see the new link Link

Hey Kadewom, I'm going to be hiring a professional for this one actually, thanks.

oh sorry

If someone could help me with a problem I have running the game. When I click on the launcher it says "Cabinet is not valid" with an "ok" button, after clicking "ok" another window saying "Extracting file failed. It is most likely caused by low memory (low disk space for swapping file) or corrupted Cabinet file." I'm trying to run it through wine on linux ubuntu 16.04


I really like that, even i destroyed all rocks, trees and cutted all grass that i could, because, why not, and if you want to translate it to Polish i can help you :)

Is this better sorry didn't know. I Hope you consider

Is there/will there be support for an xbox one controller?


Mine works very well with the game.

Looking forward to this!

would love to play it but for some reason it runs at 20-25 fps, any way to improve this?

(1 edit) (+1)

wait for the next version, it has way better optimisation 😊

I have the same problem, here, if i find a solution I will tell you, feel free to do the same!

I would love to test it, but there isn't compatibility x32 for win XP >_<. I hope someday there is some of that or you convert the .exe to .nes file to can play in a nes emulators.

the file should work fine on any window machine. What happens when the try to play?

It says that is a invalid application win32. I tried to oppen the breat of the NES's exe with notepad and scrolling down, at the end says:

processorArchitecture="x86" ( maybe this sould be saved as x32)

And below says:

<compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1">
<!--This Id value indicates the application supports Windows Vista/Server 2008 functionality -->
<supportedOS Id="{e2011457-1546-43c5-a5fe-008deee3d3f0}"/>
<!--This Id value indicates the application supports Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 functionality-->
<supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}"/>
<!--This Id value indicates the application supports Windows 8/Server 2012 functionality-->
<supportedOS Id="{4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38}"/>
<!-- This Id value indicates the application supports Windows Blue/Server 2012 R2 functionality-->
<supportedOS Id="{1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78}"/>
<!-- This Id value indicates the application supports Windows Threshold functionality-->
<supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}"/>

So, there isn't compatibility for win xp, just windows vista, but not mine. To run in XP, should be an entry which says:

<!--This Id value indicates the application supports Windows XP functionality -->
<supportedOS Id="{algorithm code}"/>

PS: I tried to put all compatibility modes & set the exe as x32, but it doesn't work, cause i don't know which would be the algorithm code in the parentesis.

did you say you're on Windows XP? If so, your system architecture isn't the issue, it's the fact that XP is no longer supported/updated. Sorry!

I said changing the architecture cause, changing it, i was able to run the game to open, but the compatibility game is saved for superior OS. I think that i'll have to wait the final version on android or that you upload the game to can test it online or convert your exe into nes file. Anyways thanks for your reply.

i found a bug, when you collect a heart and do inventory, link's cant move anymore. also you should fix the colliders. another thing try to make the AI better :) also add a little bit more drops from mobs(hearts or something).. its good but needs improvement :D

I can make a contribution to the Chinese translating

i will be translating later in development!

That's really great!

I wish Chinese language be available for the game.


i litteraly have 0 idea how to attack


Space bar...

Its averaging around 52-ish


Alright, then it's not the framerate's fault that Link is slow. Thanks for the feedback!


This game ROCKS! I just can't get over how fun and amazing it is. I really enjoyed how unforgiving it was, and how it made you really have to word hard to win. The only two things I can say need improving are:

1. More stuff, although you already have that covered in the new version

2. Link seems to be going really slow. I'm getting pretty good fps, but he just seems unnaturally sluggish... I guess that made the Sprinting Boots even more enjoyed though

Also, idk if this was a bug, but I got two bows, is there a point to that?

what FPS were you getting, if I could ask?

And there's 2 bows just so you could get one even if you didn't find the one in the graveyard.


This game is pretty cool! It's a great game so far, and could be a great complete game in the future.

Things I Liked:

Items are really cool in the game, and each item adds more to the game. Fire mechanics are pretty cool. Being able to do things like set your sword on fire to burn trees, enemies, and even food is really fun. There are a variety of tools that can be used for different things. There are many other great things in this game. There were in fact so many that I could not list them all!

Things That Would Make the Game Even Better:

I'm not sure if this was on purpose, but tektites are ridiculously annoying to defeat, and usually take a great chunk of my health and healing items. I've also noticed that sometimes an area has too many enemies, and can be overwhelming. These last two things might have just been because my gaming skills can be rusty though. I'm just going to mention some more things, but you're probably planning on adding them anyway: Weather(Rain, lightning, etc.), new types of areas(Mountains), bigger dungeons, new enemies, item use in dungeons, and new weapons. I hope these suggestions help!

Okay, I think I may have typed a little too much, but I hope this helps!

It does help! Thank you!!

Hello, i´ve seen the videos of others playing this game and it moves quite good but mine is like really slow is it my computer or is it that the game needs more development? (I mean no disrespect)


The next version will have better optimisation, it should run faster for you!!


i love you

That's great to hear :) it's such a great game!


So I got to play this on my Twitch for a while. I was deliriously tired, but I still loved playing this. Please don't get C&D'd. I want a game like this to stay a reality.

Hey just wondering if you were still looking for composers? This is something I whipped up this morning to fit your trailer; not sure if this is the genre you were looking for but feedback would be well appreciated! Best of luck with the project I think it's ace.

This was pretty cool to play. I had wondered if anyone would create something like this when I saw the interview with that Nintendo Designer that worked to create the original prototype. So very nice work. Though you could make it a little simpler to get started for those of us that didn't play much of the original.


shading adds a new real dimension to nes graphisms nice and well done!

Is there anyway you could port this android? I have been using my joycon on my android device for emulating old games since I only have a chromebook.


Android support will probably get done eventually!

Thanks a bunch, it looks incredible.

Deleted 3 years ago

The public demo has awful optimisation. You should get a constant 60fps in the next version

Deleted 3 years ago

Hi ! I saw the comments and i thought i could help you translate into French if you want, so don't hesitate ^^ (I'm French and I'm sure many French will love your game)

(2 edits) (+1)

when you cut down a tree and you faced at a wall the log will go through the wall

and also dont change the dropping system i like its simple

Hey winterdrake, first off I want to tell you that I absolutly love the game so far and am very much looking forward to more, I just have a question so I know that I am not missing anything, when you get to the part with the pigs that fire arrows at you is there any way to get south of that rock wall or is that just not in the demo?

That's just an unfinished area, no way to get there!


it's a "Work In Progress" zone (WIP), it's not finished

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